Attendance & Punctuality

Kwanso relies on each employee's attendance and punctuality to provide high-quality work and services, ensuring that all the employees are present and easily available and approachable to perform their work. Taking into account various situations related to attendance, including being unable to report to work, arriving late, leaving early, or being absent from work, we have developed a detailed attendance policy that covers the following:

Attendance Procedure and Guidelines

  • Employees are provided with three means of marking attendance:
    .1Attendance Machine
    .2Mobile App (Must be connected with office IP Address)
    .3Laptop Resourceinn App (Must be connected with office IP Address)
  • Employees must track their arrival at the beginning of the day and their departure at the end of day through Resourceinn App
  • Attendance request will be catered in case WFH is not approved or any other genuine reason except forgot to mark or left card at home
  • In the above mentioned cases employees can still mark attendance through Resourceinn


Relaxation Time: Up to 90 minutes can be waived off from working hours as relaxation time.

Late Arrival: Arrival at the office between 9:15 AM and 10:30 AM for the 9-6 shift or between 10:15 AM and 11:30 AM for the 10-7 shift is considered a late arrival. Arrival after 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM respectively will be counted as a half leave for the respective shifts.

Early Departure: Departure from the office between 4:30 PM and 5:45 PM for the 9-6 shift or between 5:30 PM and 6:45 PM for the 10-7 shift is considered an early departure. Departure before 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM respectively will be counted as a half leave for the respective shifts.

Informed Late Arrival

  • Employees must inform their late arrival in the relevant team/project Slack channel before 10:00 AM.
  • Employees can arrive late or leave early up to 4 times a month.
  • This can be in any combination of 1 late arrival, 3 early departures, 2 late arrivals and 2 early departures, or 3 late arrivals and 1 early departure.

Informed Late Arrival (after 7:30 PM client calls)

  • If you take client calls after 7:30 PM, you will be added in the relevant team/project Slack channel.
  • If you had a client call after 7:30 PM (scheduled or unscheduled) you must inform about your late arrival in that channel and apply for a relaxation through Resourceinn.
  • Late arrivals informed in that channel will not reduce your late arrival or early departure quota.
  • You can only avail the late arrival on the following day on which you had call with client.
  • You will arrive no later than 11:30 AM, even if you had a client call.
  • Arrival after 11:30 AM will be counted as a half leave.

Uninformed or Excessive Late Arrivals

  • Any excessive late arrivals (in addition to a total of 4 late arrivals and early departures allowed) will incur a penalty of Rs. 500 per late arrival.
  • Any uninformed late arrival (whether excessive or not) may result in disciplinary action on grounds of misconduct.


  • Employees are expected to responsibly use Resourceinn to ensure that all arrivals and departures are properly tracked.
  • Employees taking a short break of less than 2 hours should Break-out and Break-in through the attendance machine or Resourceinn App.
  • If an employee does not track their attendance on purpose, there will be a penalty of Rs. 500 per incident.
  • If an employee refuses to track the attendance activity, there will be a penalty of Rs. 500 per incident or a disciplinary action for misconduct.
  • If an employee habitually forgets to track their attendance activity, there will be a penalty of Rs. 500 per incident or a disciplinary action for misconduct.
  • If the office admin learns about an offense and fails to report it to the management, the office admin will receive the same penalty as the offender.

Uninformed Absence

  • Zero-tolerance toward uninformed absence. It may lead to immediate termination without notice period.