Prohibited Drugs & Alcohol Usage

Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policy

Kwanso is committed to providing a safe, comfortable, and productive work environment for its employees. Employees who abuse drugs or alcohol at work—or who work under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol—harm both themselves and the work environment. Should an employee exhibit impaired behavior (such as the odor of drugs or alcohol, red eyes, etc.), whether from alcohol or any drug substance consumed or for any reason, he/she will be asked to leave the Company premises or the event venue until such time that the person can behave in a non-impaired way, followed by strict disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

The term “workplace” here refers to any Company property, any Company-sponsored activity, or any other site where the employee is performing work or present for business or recreational purposes. Illegal drugs are expressly prohibited in the workplace and office-arranged gatherings. The term “drug” as used in this policy also includes prescribed medications as well as inhalants and illegal drugs and/or controlled substances. An employee who engages in an activity prohibited by this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment.

This policy also prohibits the possession, use, sale, attempted sale, distribution, manufacture, purchase, attempted purchase, transfer, or cultivation of drugs (in any form) in the workplace. The use and/or possession of prescribed medications, when taken as directed and obtained with a valid prescription, should be consumed at home by drawing sick leave. Questions regarding your ability to perform your job responsibilities while on prescribed medications should be discussed with your Line Manager or Human Resources to work from home.