Code of Conduct

Kwanso’s code of conduct exhorts all its employees to maintain a highly professional decorum during work hours in the workplace or when working remotely.

As an employee of the company, you are expected to accept certain responsibilities, follow acceptable business principles in matters of conduct, and exhibit a high degree of integrity at all times. This expectation not only requires respect for the rights but also demands that employees refrain from any behavior that might be harmful to themselves, co-workers, our company, or that might be viewed unfavorably by current or potential clients or by the public at large. Employees are consequently encouraged to observe the highest standards of professionalism at all times.

Employees in any capacity are expected to exhibit exemplary behavior during working hours in the workplace. An employee’s core responsibility must revolve around high performance, maintaining a positive mindset, and ensuring at all times that they are not, either intentionally or unintentionally, part of any conspiracy, either small or large, against a person, a group, or any processes.

It is especially important to act ethically when establishing contact with a new business prospect/client or connecting with an existing client. It is important that you properly identify yourself and not communicate anything that would lead the client to believe you are calling from, or are affiliated with, another company, group, or another entity (in any capacity small or large) – whether stated explicitly or implied by failing to correct a misperception. You must never engage in any form of deception in an attempt to speak to the client.

Employees may not engage in activities that might be competitive with or detrimental to the business of our company, or that might interfere with the proper performance of their jobs. It is improper for employees to engage in activities that might produce a conflict between their own interests and those of our company or its clients.


Your conduct will reflect the following throughout your employment at Kwanso:
  • High accountability of your actions and decisions you take in your workplace daily, whether work or non-work-related activities
  • Maintain dignity in your relations with peers, colleagues, and the staff overall by avoiding anger, professional bullying/pranking, cheap/dark humor, etc.
  • Maintain high integrity and honesty in performing work or related activities such as marking attendance, utilizing company assets, benefits, amenities/facilities, and office supplies, etc.
  • Deal with honesty, ethically, and fairly with our company’s staff and employees, clientele, contractors, and vendors. Statements regarding our company’s services must not be untrue, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent. You must not take unfair advantage of any internal stakeholder or a situation through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair dealing practice

Types of behavior and conduct considered inappropriate at the workplace include but are not limited to the following:
  • Falsifying employment or other company records
  • Violating the company policies & Non-Disclosure/ Non-Compete Agreement in effect
  • Excessive absenteeism or tardiness
  • Unnecessary or unauthorized use of company property & supplies, particularly for personal purposes
  • Fighting or using obscene, abusive, or threatening language or gestures
  • Theft of property from co‐workers, clients, or the company
  • Disregarding safety or security regulations
  • Insubordination (failing to carry out instructions)
  • Failing to maintain the confidentiality of company, customer/client, or vendor information. Should an employee’s performance, work habits, overall attitude, conduct, or demeanor become unsatisfactory based on violations either of the above or of any other company policies, rules, or regulations, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action, up to & including termination.

The code of conduct for employees is intended to promote the orderly & efficient business operations at Kwanso, as well as to protect the rights of all employees. Therefore, violations shall be regarded as cause for disciplinary action.

These rules are published for the employees’ information & protection. Ignorance of work rules is not an acceptable excuse for violation. It is each employee’s responsibility to know the rules & abide by them. It is important for employees to keep themselves updated for any changes made in these rules through the revised policy manual.

While the disciplinary process refers to imposing & administering the penalties, the company views it as a motivation, for the ones getting penalized, to take as an opportunity to improve & grow through taking corrective measures.

A verbal warning is usually issued by the HR in case of a performance deficiency or a first offense involving misconduct, lacking to follow any code of conduct, or a complaint lodged by the Engineering/Line Manager. The Manager or HR representative will have a private discussion with the employee during which he/she will describe the problem, state the necessary corrective action, & define the period in which the problem should be corrected. Thereafter, all the items covered in the discussion will be documented & a copy will be sent to the employee & concerned over an email.

A written warning letter will be issued by the HR department in consultation with line management to the employee if the performance deficiency/misconduct described in the verbal warning discussion has not improved in the stated period. The employee is kept under strict supervision of the line manager & HR for a certain period of time & based on complying with the improvement points, the warning is lifted.

This is the final disciplinary action & will take place if:
  • The employee performance/misconduct does not improve despite verbal & written notices
  • If the employee's performance/conduct reverts to an unsatisfactory level within 2 months after the expiration of the written notice
Disciplinary Process can be omitted in the following conditions:
  • Continuous or excessive instances of misconduct
  • Gross misconduct, a case of zero tolerance policy
  • Deficient performance during the probation period or poor/unsatisfactory performance rating as a result of performance appraisal
In any of the above-mentioned situations, the employee can be terminated immediately. Any compensation or experience letter/other paperwork will be provided at the discretion of the review committee.

Employees are expected to observe certain standards of job performance & good conduct. When performance or conduct does not meet company standards, Kwanso will endeavor, when it deems appropriate, to provide the employee with an opportunity to correct the deficiency. If, however, the employee fails to correct, they will be subject to disciplinary action. The rules set forth below are intended to provide employees with fair notice of what is expected of them. Necessarily, however, such rules cannot identify every type of unacceptable conduct & performance. Therefore, employees should be aware that conduct not specifically listed above but which adversely affects or is otherwise detrimental to the interests of Kwanso or other employees may also result in disciplinary action.

It is highly important to know that the company requires order & discipline to succeed & to promote efficiency, productivity & cooperation among employees. For this reason, employees are required to adhere to all policies, procedures & professional standards of conduct. Impermissible conduct & performance may lead to disciplinary action, possibly including ‘End of Services’.

Employees need to take special care in the following matters:
  • Another employee's story is not yours to tell; all employees must strictly refrain from involving themselves in another employee's work-related matters, either directly or indirectly.
  • Unauthorized possession, use, copying, disclosure, or distribution of any information or documents belonging to the Company.
  • Criminal misconduct, theft, misappropriation, or unauthorized removal of any property belonging to the Company, fighting, or acts of physical violence, etc.
  • Excessive unexcused absence from duty or tardiness.
  • Any kind of lobbying or grouping in general or against a person, a group, work-related processes, Company or business planning/decisions/facilities/benefits, etc.
  • False declaration of information/record including the pre-employment declaration.
  • Initiating, participating, or provoking, instigating, soliciting, inducing, influencing, or encouraging employees against another employee, a group/team, Company's code of conduct, its policies, processes & procedures, either directly or indirectly.
  • Deliberate non-performance or restricting productive work, refusal or failure to perform assigned tasks.
  • Failure to deliver the amount and quality of work expected of the employee.
  • Reporting to work drunk or when the ability is impaired by the use of intoxicants or narcotics; taking or in possession of intoxicants or narcotics in office premises.
  • Making a false or malicious statement against any fellow employee or the Company.
  • Discussing politics or religious matters, i.e., anything that can instigate sensitivity or high emotions in others.
  • Theft from the Company (in financial or any form) or from a fellow employee's property.
  • Willful damage or deliberate destruction to or unauthorized removal of the Company's or fellow employee's data, records, or private information from the Company's premises.
  • False declaration of information in the employment application.
  • Absence from work for more than two days without approvals and having no acceptable excuse for the absence.
  • Consistently late for work without valid reasons.
  • Consistent failure to meet production and quality standards.

It is the responsibility of all employees to maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information of the Company. Employees must refrain from discussing confidential Company business with staff and outsiders, anyone else who does not have a legitimate need to know the information. Before sharing any information about the Company with anyone, make sure that you have it verified internally (by your Project Manager/Engineering Manager/Line Manager). Any information going out should be verified because what you know might just be a small part of the real picture. Be aware!

We have a need to keep certain Company information and all business trade secrets as confidential. For others to learn of our research ideas, marketing strategies, financial condition, client lists and/or Company procedures would seriously jeopardize our competitive position in the marketplace. Our Company is also entrusted with confidential information of others, particularly that of our clients and/or partners. We have been given confidential information with the understanding that we will safeguard it. To do otherwise would be a very serious breach of trust and could bring irreparable harm to our Company.

As an employee of our company, you may learn of such confidential business information. As a condition of employment with our company, employees must sign our company’s Non-Disclosure/Non-Compete Agreement. In accordance with the terms of this agreement, confidential business information may not be shared with non-employees of our company and may only be shared with company employees on a need-to-know basis. If you violate this policy, disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including immediate discharge from employment, and you may likewise be subject to legal action to prevent future disclosures.

Violations of any guidelines listed herein, company policies, or the Non-Disclosure/Non-Compete Agreement may result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate dismissal. If necessary, our company will advise appropriate legal officials of any violations of law.