
There is zero tolerance of non-Kwanso related work performed by employees in the following cases:

    .1If it is performed using Kwanso's assets (laptop or devices or network)
    .2If it is performed during Kwanso's working hours
    .3If it is performed in Kwanso's office premises
    .4If it is in collaboration with any other Kwanso employees
    .5If it affects the employee's work productivity
    .6If it is on projects which are in competition with current or previous clients of Kwanso
    .7If it in any way uses the code, document, design or any other resource used or produced for Kwanso or its clients

An audit can be conducted by company Admin or HR personnel of Kwanso's assets (in possession of employees e.g. Laptop or any electronic device) without notice. The audit will be conducted by company Admin sitting with the employee. In case any evidence of non-Kwanso related work is found, it can result in immediate termination of the employee.

The work done or produced during the employment with the company is the ownership of Kwanso.

Any violation may result in disciplinary action on grounds of misconduct.